Sports Parenting can be one of the most challenging parental journeys, there is no such thing as a perfect sports parent.
There is very rarely a one size fits all approach and yet there are so many things for us to navigate as parents in order to give our young sports people the very best support that we can.
This book explores the sports parenting journey and the different stages our children will go through.
It provides opportunities for reflection, explores different scenarios you may encounter and offers a range of tools and strategies that you can experiment with.
We want your child to reach their potential both in and out of their sport and want you to be able to enjoy it, guiding and encouraging them whilst setting them up for success in whatever walk of life they may end up in.
Ultimately without you we don’t have youth sports and we felt it was time to acknowledge and support the amazing sports parents out there.
The book features a host of interviews with Olympians, professional sportsmen and women, junior athletes and their families who all share their personal experiences of being involved in the sporting journey.
There has never been enough support, information, tips and independent advice for sports parents. Until now. I’m delighted to endorse the great work that Gordon and his team have undertaken to provide guidance. It’s all based on common sense and lived experiences of teaching sport, parenting athletes and understanding human behaviour.
This book fills a huge gap in sport and life in modern society, providing much-needed support for parents to ensure their children
thrive in sport. (It also applies to the world of academics, music, theatre and other high performance pursuits.) With huge drop-out rates and diminishing rates of health across the population, Gordon and Sarah’s expertise shows us how youth experiences of sport can and should
be positive in both the short-term and longer-term.
This book touches on an area that has remained largely untapped but to me remains one of, if not the most key aspect in the complex picture of talent development, that of the role of parents/guardians. It is full of rich experiential learning, written in a manner that captures the important aspects whilst being easy to understand and apply. Gordon and Sarah have produced a timely and usable text that can help any parent/guardian whose child is involved in a sports performance environment.
As a former athlete, national team coach, member of a sports national governing body, a safeguarding sport educator and now also the parent of an athlete myself, I consider this book essential reading for both parents (and coaches!) in creating a holistic approach to athlete development and welfare, that centres the child’s voice and individual progress and allows them to thrive in the sport they love
I have been aware for some time of the excellent work that both Gordon MacLelland and Sarah Murray do in the world of sport. I am delighted that they have come together to produce this book which I’m sure will make a significant contribution to creating a sustainable culture in performance sport.
A couple of years ago, I had a vague idea about writing a book like this, realising how helpful it would be to share psychological theory and practical ideas with parents and carers who support young athletes. I’m delighted that Sarah and Gordon got it done, and did it so well – there’s a wealth of information contained in these pages, packaged up in an engaging and accessible style. Well done guys!
This book is the ultimate game changer for the sporting parent but also parents in general. Full of golden nuggets. A must read
I read this with my parents hat on. Despite being involved in young people’s performance sport for well over 20 years, I still looked at this through the parent lens – looking at each scenario as I take my boys to the huge variety of sports they do. That’s because despite being well versed in what I should be doing based on good practice and research, when the emotion of being a parent kicks in, everything goes out of the window and we do things that we wouldn’t ordinarily do. That’s why I have some sympathy when parents lose their minds! This book helps you reflect and is a great addition to parent and carer resources. It’s based on a series of questions to ask yourself and reflect on. We can’t be perfect parents ever – but we can be better.
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